Sunday, January 15, 2006

How You can Save the Republic

If Rome had remained a republic, it probably would not have fallen. Empires are, to societies, as suicide-seeds may be to our food supply.

The problem with fascism (the merger of corporations with government) is that it depends on dictatorship in order to function. This requires the de-humanization and subjugation of human beings. It requires the imprisonment of the Soul. Human beings are too intelligent to be denigrated into compliant drones permanently. Humans are designed to think and act creatively and in concert. Even the "lower" animals act cooperatively when it comes to determining the direction of the herd, school or flock. It is the natural order of life for societies to collectively decide on matters of mutual concern. For all decision making power to be concentrated into one tiny group, enforced through pyramidal management structures, in a society, is stupid. Unfortunately, human nature enables such situations to develop over and over again; and this explains why it took so long for the human species to reach the information-age.

The idea of dictatorship set aside; there are those who say that democracy (rule by the governed), on the other hand, is doomed to self-destruction. The mindless acts of mobs are the basis for this claim. These matters were considered at length during the design-phase of our Republic, and this is why we (are supposed to) have a Republic instead of a direct democracy. Having sober, thoughtful individuals (a Senate) between the voices of the mob (a House) and the performers of decided action (an Executive), all under the careful scrutiny of wise and scrupulous magistrates (a Judiciary), a society can function well.

This is why it is crucial for these republican elements to be doing what they are supposed to be doing per the original design laid out in the Constitution. That they are NOT doing what they are supposed to be doing today, as the result of corruption and a monopolized Press, explains our current precarious situation; and the fact that millions of us don't even KNOW that we are in a precarious situation.

At this writing (Jan06), most of our cities are intact (although many are rotting and New Orleans suffered extensive damage a few months ago). At this writing, it is reasonably safe for an American to travel from one end of his country to the other. At this writing, most of the people in America have Water and electricity. At this writing, many Americans live in relative peace.

These conditions will not prevail if the current trend continues.

As we go about our daily lives, clever businessmen are wiring up our planet for a tragic war in Iran and elsewhere, and are continuing to contribute to the destruction of numerous societies all over the world, including our own. As we try to make a living, clever businessmen have enabled mills to resume dumping toxic poisons into our own water and air. As we try to live the best we can, clever businessmen are turning our once-enviable country into a debtor/colony of China.

These things are happening because we now have a republic in NAME ONLY. It does not represent us, but instead it represents concentrated sums of dumb capital; and as a result it makes and executes decisions based on the same lack of wisdom to be found in a bucket of gold. This lack of thought, to be found in any random sequence of numbers at the bottom of a balance sheet, is referred to as the "wisdom of the free market" by con men and their marks all over the globe.

If you want to see America rise to the greatness of a modern Roman Republic (an aspiration hinted at by much of the adornment and architecture in our nation's capital), then you must become an active CITIZEN of this republic instead of a passive drone in the herd of compliant consumers who have learned by their con-men/teachers that they are helpless to take control in their lives. If you want to be a member of a once-again great society where it is possible to go from little to plenty in a lifetime, then you must participate in fielding and successfully electing good people to positions where they can work for YOU, in the Capitol. If you want to see America truly attain the respect of the world as a beacon of freedom and justice for all, then it's time for you to find in the mirror an American Hero: a Citizen.

The alternative is really not an option, is it?

-- Mark Frankenberg

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