Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Stop Alito

If confirmed, Alito would serve as Bush's enabler. He would give Bush effective control of all three branches of government and the hard-right long-term dominance of the high court.
Soon, some prisoners at Guantanamo will have been behind bars longer than any German POW during all of World War II.
Last week, signing a bill banning torture in interrogations that was forced on him by senior Republican senators, Bush asserted a concept never imagined by the Constitution's framers or permitted by any court -- a ''signing statement" claiming his right to interpret a law in his own fashion and to disregard aspects of it that he doesn't like.
Alito's views of the imperial presidency are almost perfectly in sync with Bush's.
Alito has tended to support prosecutors and corporations over individual citizens and employees, in cases involving civil liberties, civil rights, workplace rights, and reproductive freedom. In 1985, he wrote that he thought the Constitution ''does not protect the right to an abortion," flatly contradicting Roe v. Wade.
Alito [like Scalia in the 2000 Florida recount] conveniently forgot his pledge to recuse himself from cases in which he had a personal ... interest.
[The desperately needed Democratic filibuster] might lead Republicans to use the so-called 'nuclear option,' abolishing filibusters on judicial nominations.

Yet, in their weakened condition, it's not clear that Republicans could muster the votes to go nuclear. Moderate Senate Republicans may just welcome a chance to distance themselves from Bush's extremism -- if Democrats lead. Alito epitomizes everything dangerous about George W. Bush.


Time to make that call again. Call both your senators regardless of what "party" they belong to (lookup at Common Cause site HERE) and demand that they take action to stop this dictatorial power-grab. Help us save our republic.

Then, Stand and be Counted with Howard Dean and the Democratic Party in voicing your disapproval of Alito's nomination HERE.

Email your friends with this message and encourage them to do the same.

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