Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Friend's Tribute to Pink Floyd

We were heavily influenced by Pink Floyd in the '70s.. still are today. Kudos to my friend Charles Carroll for this:

link here:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Zeitgeist Addendum Producer "Interviewed" by Alex Jones

A friend of mine mentioned that Alex Jones ( interviewed Peter Joseph, Producer of the Zeitgeist films recently, and noted to me that the interview didn't go very well.

The video of the entire interview is here:

Some of my observations about the interview (I grew irritated with it but stuck it through regardless) are:

1. Alex Jones apparently believes that human beings are programmed genetically to be competitive, while Peter Joseph emphasises the importance of nurture / surroundings.

2. Alex Jones believes global warming is "total crap".

3. Alex Jones is openly adversarial to his guest throughout the interview.

4. Peter Joseph maintains his cool after continuous, purile assaults and intentional interruptions, including having his microphone cut in mid sentence.

5. Alex Jones comes off as a champion of aggression, competition and might-makes-right, and is unwilling at any time to consider seriously the ideas Joseph presents in his films, deriding the notion of intellectual thought as "elitism". He also makes disdainful comments about people wearing sandals and those who would use their brains to the point of contemplating the redesign of society.

6. In this "Interview", Alex Jones wouldn't even TOUCH the details of the fraudulent, debt-based, fractional-banking fiat-money system that is outlined in great detail in the Zeitgeist movies, nor would he seriously look at the inherent scarcities and exploitations that are the foundation of it. He briefly mentioned fiat-money and the fed, but WOULDN'T GO THERE.

I agree with Alex Jones' caution about the dangers of a centralized society, but I think his un-thoughtful, short-sighted approach to Joseph and the Zeitgeist Movies make Jones look like a Limbaugh-Wannabee and I couldn't help wondering, exactly what bankers or oil people or elements of the Radical Christian Right are supporting Alex Jones? The same ones who supported Ron Paul? I know that various Hate Groups were among Ron Paul's supporters. Jones is from Texas too, after all.

Remember folks, without working government (which we don't have at present), rich crooks will enslave you.

I highly recommend the Zeitgeist films, and I suggest you look at the SYMPTOMS of the problems that Alex Jones painstakingly lays out in his materials, and I also recommend that you think outside the box and about the future.

Could part of the solution be..


Not the bullshit we have today, but a true republic based on the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, Ruled by We, the People? How about one based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? I suspect that would prompt Jones to go off on a rant about the U.N. He would have more credibility if he went after the WTO. Maybe elsewhere he does but I've heard two of his shows and just don't have the patience for it. I suspect that if he had more influence, McCain would have gotten in. Hmmmm?

Oh, another thing: Corporations are not people, and when you hear people braying about the second amendment, Mercenary companies are often behind it.

I'm not a wannabee Limbaugh.
I'm not a wannabee Hartmann.
I'm not running for office.
I'm sharing what I got from it.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Honor requires Impeachment

Call Nancy Pelosi. Tell her that now we've won the election for executive, she should put impeachment "back on the table".

Feingold and Nadler are now pushing for it.

I'm pushing for it.

Look. The guy invaded a country because he felt like it. He pillaged our national treasury and has substantially weakened the United States. That wasn't incompetence. It was malice. The people who brought him to power impeached a former president for getting a blowjob. It is your duty as a citizen to effectively demand impeachment of George W. Bush.

Some background information

Send a letter to your legislators

Call Your legislators NOW!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


What is the purpose of Spirituality? Maybe it's the cultivation of a temperament that encourages people to live in peace together.

It is my opinion that Dogmatic Religion interferes with this stated purpose of spirituality.

I believe that the three primary focal points of meaningful spirituality are that which is True, that which is Good, and that which is WISE.


Not all that is true is good or wise.
Not all that is good is true or wise.
Not all that is wise is true or good.

Thus there are three instead of one.

I suspect that many people refer to these three as a one and call it "God" or some other name. I think that opens the door to misinterpretation by crooks and quacks and their prey.

I think we all should aspire to do and be that which is TRUE, GOOD and WISE.

That's all.

Any Questions?

-- Mark Frankenberg

Zinn, Chomsky, Goodman, Causes, Conspiracies

I've reviewed a lot of material from Howard Zinn, Amy Goodman and Noam Chomsky.

They emphasize the flaws of rule by unbridled, concentrated capital.
They encourage the development of rule by human beings.

They indicate that they don't want to get tied up in 911 JFK whodunnits.

I suspect that they have probably been served with national security letters (gag orders) regarding both conspiracies.

This doesn't keep me from reviewing the stuff they DO cover.

Those actually responsible for 911 and JFK deserve fair trials (none of this unconstitutional tribunal bullshit) and, in the appropriate cases, imprisonment without cruel or unusual punishment.

"National Security Letters", "Military Tribunals", presidential "Signing Statements" and a slew of other attacks on our republic would best be undone and recognized publicly and offically as the treasons they are.

Our government, which is US with US WATCHING CAREFULLY, is fully capable of identifying the true perpetrators of 911/JFK, and bringing them to justice.

This can be done without hindering our progression towards a government of, by and for the people (actual human beings).

I won't knock Goodman, Chomsky and Zinn for not going off on 911/JFK. It's not their gig. Their focus is developing a world where PEOPLE come before PROFITS. Their view is more wholistic and conceptual, whereas the particular incidents are on a different scale.

I would advise those in the 911 truth movement not to discount that bigger picture. The bigger picture is PEOPLE over PROFITS.

911 and JFK were SYMPTOMS of our primary problem. They are both indicators of the tragic decline of the United States and much of the rest of the world into fascist dictatorship. Part of this tragedy is that a large segment of the U.S. population has been methodically indoctrinated and cowed into not being able to look rationally at it.

The Military Industrial Complex took out JFK.
Concentrated Capital took out the twin towers.
A largely dysfunctional press kept us all in the dark about both.

The struggle of Human Beings against Concentrated Capital [WTO, Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, NAFTA, FTAA are some manifestations] was evident in U.S. Union Battles, The Spanish Civil War, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Columbia, The Russian Revolution (quickly co-opted by dictatorship), the French Revolution (same deal), the 1999 Seattle WTO police riot, the Miami FTAA police riot, the 2008 Republican Convention iron boot suppression of dissent... countless incidents where the powers of concentrated capital found the "insurrection" of ordinary human beings to be inconvenient or threatening.

They even attacked hippies, ravers, rappers and rastas because they recognized those groups as potential threats to the established order.

Americans have been fooled into thinking that Those in these struggles who are on the side of Human Beings (Left) are "Reds" or "Pinkoes" (a little Red).

Red is the color of Human Blood.

What's in your veins? Greed? Hatred? Fear?

It could be that Zinn, Chomsky and Goodman fear that actual resolution of 911/JFK could result in a violent power upset, in which the Constitution might be officially thrown out, opening up an opportunity for an ourtright murderous dictatorship to take its place, like in Russia and France, and thus they don't want to "go there".

Plus the threats. I think that will come to light eventually. Remember what Wilson said about the Federal Reserve later (said he destroyed america with it).

Be Wise.

I think we can get to Goodman, Chomsky and Zinn's goal (RULE by Human Beings) and have true accountability regarding 911/JFK too.

What would be some first steps?

Contact Nancy Pelosi and tell her to put impeachment back on the table, now that the Democrats have won the presidency. Inaction on this is a disgrace to all of us.

Push legislators for a media Fairness Doctrine in Monopolized Markets.

Show those around you that you don't accept this "Brave New World", and that you follow the TRUE, GOOD and WISE to the best of your ability.

A guy remarked to me once, "Fascism is what happens when the Oligarchy gets scared". The Emperor gets scared when it's shown that he has no clothes. The Right gets indignant when we are preposterous enough to show its flaws. The Right hates congresses and parliaments. The Right wants a King and its supporters are whores and thugs. A kiss-ass is a whore. A back-stabber is a thug.

Fuck the King. I'm an American.

--- Mark Frankenberg

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Don't Just Criticize. Think of Solutions

After watching Zeitgeist Addendum (it's on Google Video Free and I highly recommend it), I was interested in learning more about Jacque Fresco's ideas. I just saw "The Future By Design" and find it thought-provoking as well.

Reason, Rationality and Love are essential to our survival.

Although Fresco trusts in a future automated system to manage our community affairs, and he apparently sees no use for human intervention in such systems, I personally believe that a free press and publicly transparent oversight of such automated systems would be essential. I also think a fundamental flaw in Ayn Rand's reasoning, and that of the libertarian right in general, is the idea that a rational society could function without public transparency and oversight.

It is naive to believe that an "automated government" wouldn't be tampered with, like the recently - disclosed republican / Ohio / Chattanooga 2004 computer election theft, without PUBLIC TRANSPARENCY and OVERSIGHT.

I would venture to say that Public Transparency and Oversight should characterize our government, starting now. This requires re-activation of the Fairness Doctrine in any/all monopolized media markets.

An aside: one solution to a disgraceful United States situation, this situation being our lost honor, will be the impeachment and fair trials of certain war criminals soon, now that the Democrats don't have to worry about winning the executive branch. Just thought I'd mention it. We should now PUT IMPEACHMENT SQUARELY ON THE TABLE. We don't have a lame duck to contend with. We have a CORNERED RAT.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Watch the Minnesota Recount

It's not over in Minnesota yet. Keep an eye on this recount. At a glance, there are fishy circumstances and Franken could win the Senate Seat after the Recount.

Norm Coleman Sues Al Franken For Defamation

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Bomb-Bomb" McCain Convinces US to Support ACORN

The sentiment that drums up Angst towards institutions such as the ACLU and ACORN is the same mentality that labels any community activist who is working for social justice a "red" or "pinko". It's the same hateful, oppressive attitude that murdered thousands of innocents in Central America in the 1980's.

Fuck Archie Bunker.

Support the ACLU.

Support ACORN.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Soldiers in our Streets is Illegal and Unhealthy

While you were watching a stupid fucking ball-game, your country became a police state.
resident Bush struck down Posse Comitatus -- which has prevented, with a penalty of two years in prison, U.S. leaders since after the Civil War from sending military forces into our streets -- with a 'signing statement.' He should be impeached immediately in a bipartisan process to prevent the use of military forces and mercenary forces against U.S. citizens

Here's what the U.S. Army says about it:

Don't let their gentle wording fool you. Soldiers are used to commit STATE-SANCTIONED KILLING.

They are wiring us up for a red, white and Blue Tienanmen square.

An even larger threat to domestic tranquility resides in the Mercenary armies, subsidized by our tax dollars.

All this so some rich crooks can feel safe while they rob the rest of us. 700b is just some of the latest theivery.

Recommendation is for arrest and fair trials for Bush, Cheney et al.

Signing statements... the guy is wiping his ass with your constitution, and he's convinced a whole bunch of ignorant yahoos and disgusting thieves that it's okay.

Or would you prefer to just wait until YOU become an inconvenience to the Reich?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Friday, October 03, 2008

Another Wannabe Dictator? I'm not laughing.

Anybody who's heard Limbaugh (had to hold my nose) knows that nazis hate any form of government by ordinary people, whether it be through a congress or a parliament:

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Screw those Crooks.
Nationalize the banks.
Demonstrate. There are events all over the country: Dems, Repubs (I'm being nice). Everybody.
We Are, here in St. Petersburg, FL Saturday:


Call your congressman and visit this site

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Wrecking-Crew Palin: Enemy of America

Not only is Sarah Palin another Radical Right-Winger, hell-bent on removing your freedoms, but she is actually opposed to America's Government. She would be to our republic what "Brownie" was to FEMA:,0,5675222.column
Over the years, Palin has actively courted the Alaska Independence Party, or AIP, an organization that supports Alaskan secession from the U.S. To be clear, we're not necessarily talking about friendly secession either: As the AIP's founder, Joe Vogler, told an interviewer in 1991: "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. ... And I won't be buried under their damn flag."

Monday, September 01, 2008

Armed Thugs Harass Journalists at RNC, including Amy Goodman

Teaching young men to attack journalists and innocent civilians overseas, then having them come back to America and attack journalists on our own streets, is fucking treason.

It is a slap in the face to all of us who have served in uniform.

Mayor Coleman of St. Paul Minnesota, and the "Party Leaders" pulling his strings, should be ashamed. Amy Goodman and her people are among the most patriotic Americans ever to grace our presence and these fucking nazis have the idiotic lunacy to arrest them for doing their constitutionally-protected duty.

They've been raiding peace and press-organizations, weapons drawn, all over the area, prior to the RNC convention.

Mayor Coleman's phone number is (651) 266 8535.

If you are attacking journalists in America, you are a fucking traitor.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Solar Hydrogen Breakthrough from MIT

There are BIG problems facing you and me. Just about all of them revolve around energy.

We are in and contemplating wars because of energy needs.

All over the world, there is a growing water shortage.

With abundant energy, seawater can be desalinated.

With climate change, gargantuan amounts of energy will be expended just to deal with evolving conditions.

It is wise for us to invest in solar/hydro on a global scale.
In one hour, enough sunlight strikes the Earth to provide the entire planet's energy needs for one year.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Right Wing = Anti-Social Morons with Guns

This article pretty well sums up a Limbaugh Listener acting out his sentiments:

Hate for Liberals and Gay People Drove Gunman, Police Say

Published: July 29, 2008
A man who the police say entered a Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville, Tenn., on Sunday and shot eight people, killing two, was motivated by a hatred for liberals and gay people...

There's a reason Right Wingers don't like the word "Social". The reason is that they're "Anti-Social".

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Football games have referees. Why? Because without referees the game would just be an unimaginative brawl.

In the workplace, in the absence of robust policy and real leadership, the "old boy network" ends up chilling out up in the office while those with no aspirations to kiss ass or back-stab do the bulk of the work on the shop floor.

In political-economics, the absence of a viable free press and true representative government result in an unfair, corrupt game. It is simply a larger version of a football-game without referees, or a company with weak leadership and policy.

Correction of this lies in a renewed look at the word "Government". "Government" should be the referee that keeps the game fair. "Government" should be the system of rules that ensure that true integrity and value prevail over corruption.

When you hear people deriding the concept of "government", possibly it is because they (A): Don't want a fair game, (B): Are succeeding due to policy that values kissing ass, stabbing the backs of peers, or demonstrating credible threat over real integrity.

Without the integrity of true representation of human citizens rather than concentrated capital (often gathered through corrupt means), and a social nervous-system defined by a truly free press, "Government" is one step away from Tyrrany.

And here we are.

So what do we do?

I'm Mark Frankenberg. I've been exploring what we can do for a while now. Much of my writing is on my website, along with links to some of my other creative works.

Why am I writing this today? I was reading an article in The Nation about UBS Bank and how many of the super-rich have been hiding money that really belongs to you and me, and could have been used for things like a new bridge in Minnesota, or decent healthcare for our returning soldiers, or better policing of our financial industries (think, Enron, Indy-Mac, etc), or tax-incentives that will enable us to transition to a clean-energy economy rather than starve when all the gas runs out, or free Internet everywhere that could enable a kid in the 'hood with limited resources to attend free classes at MIT online, and maybe figure out how to cure cancer.

Isn't it great? Have a nice day.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Choice is Clearly Obama

Rolling Stone has an interview with Obama in recent hard-copy. I recommend you buy a copy. I think he's just what we need now. There's no comparison with McCain. Obama will be a better president than Bill Clinton was (Clinton had an irreverent streak that was quickly exploited by the stuffed shirts). Obama demonstrates more maturity and wisdom; thus he will provide more security than Kennedy did (Khrushchev sensed weakness in Kennedy and this prompted him to make his move in Cuba).

Obama will, with absolutely no doubt whatsoever, be better than ANY "Republican". The "Republican" party is wrongly named, because the "Republicans" don't want republic. They want Virtual Monarchy and Empire. That's not America. It's What America is a Revolution Against. That's why the Ron Paul movement is a false-revolution scam. Being Associated with the "Republican" party is about all the evidence you need, regarding that. They're just trying to mislead outraged people into throwing away their votes.

It follows that the VP candidate must be a stop-loss. Cheney was Bush's Stop-loss. Bush stayed in because the people feared Cheney. Thus, Obama should have a left-leaning VP whom the corruptionists would fear. This will keep Obama in. Obama's VP should be more to the left than Obama is. This rules out Hillary. She's to the Right of the Democratic Party, Kind of like Lieberman was. I sense that she has aspirations to be an Empress like Thatcher was. We don't need that HERE. She would thus present a loss risk in my opinion. (I keep getting this picture of Johnson glaring behind Kennedy, in the back of my mind.. but this is just top-o-me-head).

I would recommend John Edwards as VP. Or, Yes.. AL Gore.

--- Mark Frankenberg

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Boycott Comcast. Screw Them.

Comcast Faces FCC Sanctions for Blocking Web Traffic

Comcast, the nation's largest cable company, violated federal guidelines when it blocked and degraded Web traffic, the head of the Federal Communications Commission will announce Friday.

Stupid War

To those shortsighted fools who think an illegal attack on the sovereign nation of Iran through our proxy Israel would be good for our economy, think again.

When you buy a bomb, those megabucks go up in smoke when it is deployed. You also commit a crime when you do it.

When you buy a solar-array, you make usable electricity that supports life and happiness (making a decent living, as the forefathers used the word).

We must use the effort, ingenuity and treasure that would be expended in a needless war, in a national campaign to transform our economy into one that uses wind and solar, with improved decentralized storage methodologies such as hydrogen fuel cells. You want something that can get things moving, this is it. Let's make things better.

The car can become our battery on wheels. The house and yard with solar panels can become the power plant

We are going to need a LOT of energy to deal with upcoming challenges. Clean Energy should be the focus of our policy and our market-motivators.

War is a Crime. Let's not premeditate it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

HEY! Ahem.. uh, Hello, World?

It’s not the Bilderbergers.. It’s not the UN. It’s the WTO. It’s not the Illuminati. It’s not knowledge. It’s any short-sighted, antisocial slimeball with money who destroys lives just to fatten his bottom line. Ask yourself, are you really trying to find meaningful solutions, or are you just looking for an excuse to hate?

Curious? Listen to my songs. Read my writing. GET BETTER.
-- Mark Frankenberg

George Carlin had it Spot On

We heard him LOUD and CLEAR and his echoes will continue for a LONG, LONG time.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back by Popular Demand: "Don't be a Sucker for Hatred and Fear"

"Don't be a Sucker for Hatred and Fear" (And demand an independent investigation of 9-11) Music video by Mark Frankenberg:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sowing Distrust in Republic

Here's a scenario: a new investigation into 9-11 finds key individuals complicit. The Ron Paul Neoliberal lemmings latch onto it, screeching, "See, Government is the Problem" and off they go like a bunch of new Timothy McVeighs. The Republic collapses and we are left with no means whatsoever with which to protect ourselves from corporate exploitation. One might say that this could even be enough motivation for someone to plot something like 9-11. That said, take a minute and look at this:

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Rolling Stone with Naomi Klein on China's US-Backed Police-State

We made laws to prevent companies from helping China oppress its people, after Tiananmen Square. All this is out the window.

Hats Off to Rolling Stone Magazine and Naomi Klein on this expose of US Complicity in the maintenance of a Chinese Police-State (and the importation of it to the US):

One chilling thing Naomi Klein points out is that the US already has more people in Jail than China does today, even though our population is much smaller than theirs.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Was FDR Assassinated?

They tried to unseat him in a coup d'etat. They talk smack about him today.

Some say he was poisoned:

Some say he was shot:

The Same kind of people that hated Roosevelt hated Kennedy.

They hated "Liberals". They still do, today.

Oppression is Un-american

I'm not talking about our butchery-laden history; I'm talking about the ideals that define the idea of "America", outlined in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. We don't need yet another law that violates the freedoms guaranteed all persons under the Constitution's Bill of Rights.

If there really IS a group out there who "Hate our Freedom", maybe they have ideas such as making laws that will strip our freedom from us.

Call your Senators and urge them not to pass this latest affront to liberty, and call the reps who voted to pass this and let them know you don't like it:

Senate Moves Forward on Orwellian “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act”

May 19, 2008 on 12:15 am | In Uncategorized

by Tom Burghardt / May 15th, 2008

In the wake of Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan Collins’ (R-ME) alarmist report, “Violent Islamist Extremism, the Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorism Threat,” the Senate may be moving towards passage of the Orwellian “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007″ (S. 1959).

A companion piece of legislative flotsam to the House bill, “The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007″ (H.R. 1955), the Democrat-controlled Congress seems ready to jettison Constitutional guarantees of free speech and assembly. The bill passed the House by a 404-6 vote in October. Twenty-three congress members abstained, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers.Under cover of studying “violent radicalization,” both bills would broaden the already-fluid definition of “terrorism” to encompass political activity and protest by dissident groups, effectively criminalizing civil disobedience and non-violent direct action by developing policies for “prevention, disruption and mitigation.” . . . . click here to read the rest of the story.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Democratic Legislators start calling the Filibuster Bluff

"They threatened to filibuster" is a cowardly excuse for not getting results in congress.

The Republicans have vowed non-cooperation in congress. They have broken all records in this.

Call their bluff. If they say they're going to filibuster, I want to see everybody there at 3 in the morning, the rambling orator sporting a piss-bag.

It's what we pay you for.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Vice President Edwards under Obama

Just as Cheney Protects Bush, because the People are afraid of Cheney, Edwards will protect Obama, because the Corporations are afraid of Edwards.

I think this is a good thing.

Now, I'd like to see Kucinich in the team somewhere.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Time for FCC to remove Rush Limbaugh from the public airwaves

Based on Rush Limbaugh's recent remarks encouraging listeners to do physical violence at the upcoming Democratic Convention, it is clear that Rush Limbaugh is not using the public airwaves to further the public good, and that more specifically Rush Limbaugh's hate-mongering rhetoric and incitement to public rioting necessitate that his radio show should be removed.

To persecute other celebrities for harmless naughty behavior, while letting a true criminal like Rush Limbaugh slide, would be a concrete case of Fraud, Waste and Abuse by the leadership of the FCC.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

New Song: "The Ocean Between"

I worked with Charles Carroll in our virtual Band "Triple C and Mr. M" on this song, "The Ocean Between":

Website for "Triple C and Mr. M":

Monday, April 14, 2008

Campaign Stance: Take "Pardon" Off the Table

Wanted: a candidate who will make it known that PARDONS for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and all others implicated in crimes including but not limited to the illegal invasion of the sovereign nation of Iraq, WILL NOT BE ISSUED, and that the above named individuals and their accomplices will in fact be tried for their crimes.

War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Misappropriation of Public Funds (and Reckless Endangerment of an entire planet?) are just some of the crimes that should be tried.

Look. If a candidate can't say they will "take pardon off the table", do they really have any credibility?

on that note:

"You know, I often get questions about impeachment at town hall meetings and I've said that is not something I think would be fruitful to pursue because I think that impeachment is something that should be reserved for exceptional circumstances."
-- Barack Obama

W T F ?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Listen to Nader

We're stuck with, uh, Coke or Pepsi, for Presidential Candidates this year, because we don't have instant runoff voting at the federal level yet.

Neither sounds like they're really going to be able to address some serious issues we will have to face immediately (although I suspect that Obama and Edwards could motivate and mobilize the population to embark on some major changes for the better), because a monopolized press and a hugely corrupt and ineffectual government have crippled our society and soured our position in the world.

Listen to Nader, get LOCAL. Do outreach. Get out of your chair. Communicate. Make Calls. I just called the Obama campaign and recommended that they start pushing legitimacy, accountability and credibility, and impeachment of certain war-criminals. Call your legislator OFTEN. Put the toll free numbers in your phone and USE them. One single-sentence issue per call.

Like Mr. Nader says: "If you don't turn on to politics, politics will turn on you."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How about Obama-Edwards?

An Obama-Edwards Ticket will defeat "Bomb-Bomb McCain" and lead our country out of economic meltdown.

Or We're all doomed.

I like the first idea better.

Maybe They Already Knew....?
Governor Spitzer was scheduled to deliver a major address yesterday morning in Albany, New York, on the issue of women's reproductive rights. One thousand people were awaiting the Governor's address when the news of his sexual liaison broke. Governor Spitzer abandoned his women's rights speech to defend his own rights instead. He had no other choice.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Tampa Bay Desalinization facility

As aquifers and glaciers dissapear, more and more our useable water will have to come from plants such as the one in Tampa Bay (currently the largest in the U.S.):

New Solar Electric Plants

Stirling Energy Systems could be a key player in kick-starting our new energy economy.

Here are some good audio interviews regarding Stirling.

Plan B 3.0 is essential reading.

Without intelligent leadership, the Human Race is Doomed. This book needs to be in the forefront of public debate. You read Shock Doctrine.. now read this one:

Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization

The Whole Book is available online as a PDF, FREE HERE.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

To Our Government: DO your JOB. You are US.

Here's a St. Petersburg Times Article comparing the TSA to the Nazi Party:

Good. The Press must keep the government in check. Don't use this as an excuse to hate government, however. Read On:

Here are some comments from a local blogger regarding it:

Good. Citizens should talk about this kind of stuff.

I am Familiar with the TSA. I believe all Members of the TSA should:
  1. Get 'em Through efficiently.
  2. Keep 'em Safe.
  3. Use Professional Courtesy.
I believe that TSA Personnel who do this right, and who minimize interpersonal abrasion, are generally regarded in a positive light by the traveling public; and make their own jobs easier.

Regarding the hassle and inconvenience of airport checkpoints: we ALL could have paid more attention to our government and energy policy and foreign policy over the past couple generations, and then maybe we would not have gotten ourselves in such a mess to begin with. Like it or not, agree or disagree on the causes, flying is less safe for Americans today than it was before. Checkpoints are today a necessary evil, and as such, are inherently not profitable, and are thus naturally a public government activity.

Government employees and elected officials work for the citizens.

The U.S. Government is no place for ass-kissing, back-stabbing, people-hating, boot-licking goose-steppers. If the shoe fits, G T F O. (Git the ---- Out [and have a nice day]).

Federal government employees are required to adhere to a code of ethics:


Any person in Government service should:

1. Put loyalty to the highest moral principals and to country above loyalty to Government persons, party, or department.

2. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.

3. Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving to the performance of his duties his earnest effort and best thought.

4. Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of getting tasks accomplished.

5. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept for himself or his family, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of his governmental duties.

6. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Government employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty.

7. Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of his governmental duties.

8. Never use any information coming to him confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means for making private profit.

9. Expose corruption wherever discovered.

10. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.

[Source: U.S. House of Representatives Ethics Committee]


We need functional government. All men are not angels. Lew Rockwell is Wrong in this regard. Government is how an organized community of human beings protects itself from crooks (like big thieving corporations, for instance). Government is how the organized community protects itself from "persons" who have been pushed over the edge into antisocial and/or violent acts, for whatever reason. Most people who won't say anything at all out loud desire and treasure order in their society, so long as that order is just. Regarding Order, Uniforms should connote order. Not Oppression.

(An Aside:)
Our Military and our Police used to have to wear Class B's (clothing that is an expression of respect for the community). That they more often nowadays can be seen in battle-garb is alarming and I think this should be changed. Battle is not cool or neat. It's when human beings kill and destroy. Walking among us clothed for that is bad.

Part of a functional government is a vibrant fourth estate (the Press). In the absence of an effective Press, governments can and do become corrupt and oppressive.

I would like to see effectively enforced legislation (maybe constitutional amendments) breaking up media monopolies and keeping the Internet neutral (no filtering by ISP's.) Sound like a tough one? Not if enough people in government take seriously their allegiance to the Constitution, which specifies protections for the Press. Not if enough citizens take seriously their allegiance to the republic for which the flag of the United States stands.

The Newspaper Article caught my notice. My gut feeling is, don't take unfair advantage of your position in order to inflict your own personal misery on others (but then this is regarding INDIVIDUAL SELF-GOVERNMENT).

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Bill Clinton tells 9-11 Truth Heckler to "Go Away"

I'll leave it to you to find it.. I heard about it on Mike Malloy's show.. I heard the clip.. Now we know where Bill Clinton stands on the 9-11 coverup, I wonder what he thought about the Kennedy Assassination. That there could be a link between 9-11 and JFK is in the minds of many who believe the one fundamental truth of our times:

You're Being Fooled.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Now the Pie has been Shot out of the Sky, GET ACTIVE.

Edwards dropping out of the 08 presidential race should be a clear message to anyone who cares, that THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WILL NOT SOLVE MOST OF OUR PROBLEMS. Any real, meaningful change in our country will require ORGANIZED work from all citizens, and not just rooting for whichever race-horse appears to have a chance of winning a particular election.

Don't use this disappointment as an excuse to play victim and "quit". Join us as a truly concerned citizen and help us make our world better, one step at a time. Here are some of my own ideas on areas to focus on:

I will certainly vote. I will not throw my vote away on a spoiler candidate.

(now.. where should I put these "Edwards" stickers?)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Flaw in Libertarian Thought

Here's a quote I found recently:

"the state acts like a band of thieves and killers... The private sector doesn't do that" --Lew Rockwell


Okay, let's go back to Galt's Gulch, the fantasy Ayn Rand paradise described in "Atlas Shrugged". In Galt's Gulch, there's no government, and everything's peaceful because the people there honor their agreements with each other and are thus able to have functional commerce. Everybody honors their agreements and pays what they said they would for what they got. Nobody falls on hard times and has trouble meeting their obligations. There are no freeloaders bringing hard times upon themselves.

Galt's gulch is fantasy.

The "Private Sector" thrives on thieving and killing. Look at General Electric, Halliburton, Blackwater, Coca Cola.. the list goes on and on. If they're not defrauding you and me out of billions of our own tax dollars, they're murdering union activists who want nothing more than the ability to provide a marginally decent life for their families.

Men are not all angels. This is why we need government. Government by us, to protect good people from lying, cheating thieves.

"the state acts like a band of thieves and killers... The private sector doesn't do that" --Lew Rockwell

Gimme a break. You Ron Paul Lemmings should take notice of this.

NBC is not a human being.

If NBC were a human being, I would tell it, "who gave YOU the right to decide who can or can't run for president"? That NBC claims First Amendment protection in deciding to dis invite Dennis Kucinich from the debates on Tuesday 15Jan08 should serve as ample proof that the idea of "corporate personhood" is bullshit and must cease. It's destroying our republic. The FCC is supposed to ensure that broadcasters serve the community in exchange for the privilege of using our public airwaves. Instead here we see them actively INTERFERING with our democratic process.

Amy Goodman with DemocacyNow interviewed Dennis Kucinich and gave him the opportunity to respond to the questions in the debate here:

Corporations are not persons, and they SURE AS HELL AREN'T CITIZENS. Since they are collective efforts of groups of people to support themselves, they are a form of virtual municipality. On closer examination, these virtual municipalities are governed as dictatorial gangs, and they more often than not hurt the REAL municipalities they operate in. Isn't America supposed to be different from that? Own stock in one of these organizations? Try attending one of their board-meetings to influence their decisions. They'll laugh you out of there. If the nation is an organism, then the corporation in its current form is a cancer.

The fourteenth amendment should be amended to say "natural persons", not just "persons".

Don't let these Criminals sell you on attacking Iran

Question Motives. The only winners in an illegal U.S. invasion of Iran (and they would only be short-term winners) would be the war-profiteers.. those parasites who thrive because of death, destruction and misery, and contribute to the furtherance of policies that will continue it.

Question Allegiances. Who is honoring their oath of office to support the United States Constitution? Who is not? Who has attacked other countries without justification or the support of the rest of the world? Who has not?

If the crooks in power today get us into a war with Iran, it will be the large-scale equivalent of burglars setting fire to your house after they have robbed it.

More on how cynical, criminal and just plain STUPID invading Iran would be:
Keynote: Chris Hedges- What Will Happen if the U.S. invades Iran
Chris Hedges, former NY Times reporter, talks about the implications of a U.S. invasion of Iran.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Edwards, but don't just focus on the Election

Out of all the clowns the system is offering up as candidates, EDWARDS is the least bad. I'd like to see him nominated as the Democratic candidate. I think he would be supported by the "Nascar Dad" former "Republicans" in large part too.

I like Dennis Kucinich and I voted for him on my absentee ballot here in the Florida Non binding primary. I'd like to see him on the ticket with Edwards.

Certainly, VOTE. But the election will not solve a lot of the problems we face. For ideas about the bigger picture, look at our main site:

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