Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Speaking of Moral Values..
Saturday, December 09, 2006
A Democratic Republic needs a Free Press
The National Conference for Media Reform is for anyone who is concerned about the state of our media and committed to working for change. This energizing weekend will present ideas and strategies for winning the fight for better media and connect you with thousands of media reformers from across the nation.
Event is January 12-14, 2007, Memphis, TN.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tampa Protest, Sunday 10 Dec 2006
Tampa Bay Human Rights Day Rally For Impeachment
Sponsored by CodePink Tampa Bay, 911 Truth Tampa Bay, StPete for Peace, StPete Food Not Bombs, World Can't Wait Tampa Bay,and Pinellas Progressive Democrats. Rally, March and Demonstration to spread the message on Human Rights Day, that in order to defend, preserve and honor the rights of all human beings on this planet, we must start by demanding the IMPEACHMENT of George W Bush, Richard Cheney, and those Congress Men/Women who have been complicit in the crimes of this government, and that they all be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity for their role in the illegal wars, their role in the murder of 3000 and counting...citizens on 9/11/01, all those first responders who continue to die in the aftermath, as they are ignored and denied help, and ALL those who lost their lives in the aftermath of Katrina due to the intentional actions and inactions of the federal government, led by George W Bush and Michael Chertoff, the state and local governments. Removing the corporate lobbyists from Washington, bringing our Troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and repealing every piece of unconsitutional, inhumane, and harmful piece of legislation that has been passed since 9/11/2001. We will have speakers, and some music while we catch the postgame crowd from the Bucs/Dallas footbal game as they sit in traffic to go home, and end the evening with a candlelight vigil. Bring your signs, banners, chairs, coolers, snacks, drums, noisemakers, bullhorns, chants, etc...and a smile. Let's let everyone know that just because the election is over, that our work as responsible citizens is not done, and it's up to us to demand justice for all those who have died at the hands of this government, and to take the control of our country back from the Corpora-terrorist Elite, and put it into the hands of the people!!
December 10, 2006
From: 03:00 PM until 07:00 PM
Dale Mabry Shopping Center 2905 N Dale Mabry HWY
Corner of Columbus Ave and Dale Mabry Highway, one city block south of Raymond James Stadium.
December 10, 2006: Human Rights and Impeachment Day
We advocate impeachment of George W. Bush and hope to see others in his administration in court.
find an event here:
more info here:
Thursday, November 23, 2006
A Law against War Profiteering
No, We Have NOT Forgotten 9-11
FBI Ordered to Disclose Details of 9/11 bin Laden Family Evacuation
concerning the U.S. government's evacuation of Saudi royals and members of the bin Laden family from the United States immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks
Bin Laden family members and Saudi royals were subject to only cursory, pro forma questioning by the FBI prior to their evacuation from the United States
The American people have a right to know why Saudi royals and members of the bin Laden family received special treatment in the days after 9/11
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Join others to oppose fascism in America
12-14 Oct 2006 nationwide:
Tampa, FL Sunday 15Oct06 at 7pm
Sacred Grounds coffee house
4819 E. Busch Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33617
near USF
World Can't Wait Website:
Monday, October 09, 2006
Where Left and Right Come Together: "Honor your Oath"
There is a centralized-socialist bent in much of the propaganda being spewed from commercial radio and television right now (although they would be the first to scream denial of it). You can smell it whenever you hear them deriding "individuals" or "elitists" or artists or intellectuals. They are attacking those who refuse to amble along to slaughter with the rest of the herd. Beware. You can smell it the thinly-veiled, universal media messages: "don"t trust your neighbor" and "pay no attention to the [monied interests] behind the curtain".
We ALL fear an overbearing, centralized governing power.
That's why we have three branches of government and that's why it's absolutely essential to America that those three branches be equally weighted, with an un-monopolized, free press watch-dogging their every move.
On the Left, many (or most) would point out that excessive power in the executive branch, backed by monied interests, is dictatorship. FDR knew it. Andrew Jackson knew it. Even hard-core republicans like Teddy Roosevelt Knew it.
On the Right, the point can be made that mob-rule would be a disaster. Who would want a bunch of lazy, uneducated fools running things? I wouldn't.
When our system of government was in the design-phase, many populists and leftists advocated a single legislative body. Fearing mob-rule, Folks on the right (Chiefly John Adams) wanted a system of checks and balances to ensure a stable economic system. This tension between "mob-rule" and "rule by the respectable" characterizes the nature of what they came up with for a solution.
They came up with an excellent model, defined in our Constitution, including the promise of guaranteed freedoms for the people, some of which freedoms (but not all) are enumerated in the first ten amendments of the Constitution (which would not have been ratified without them). Those first ten amendments are the Bill of Rights, and this Bill of Rights is why we are called the "Land of the Free".
Everybody in the federal Government, including all the Armed Forces, Swore an Oath to their highest spiritual notion of righteousness (referred to in the oath as "God") to DEFEND our Constitution.
So. Left, Right, Whatever, we have a problem. There is something wrong. More and more of us are beginning to shudder at the presence of something that is supposed to be "here to help".
I volunteer that the solution is a unanimous effort to defend the Constitution and the system of checks and balances, and the guaranteed liberties, that it defines.
To those in this entity that is supposed to be "here to help" I charge you: HONOR YOUR OATH.
---- Mark Frankenberg.
We Are Still America, Regardless.
Anything else is just evil %*!!$#!^.
On 9-11, What Happened?
In Tampa, this group is finding answers:
Sunday, October 08, 2006
It takes Courage to oppose evil.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Movie "The U.S. Versus John Lennon" now showing
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The FCC is listening (a little). Tell them to stop enabling media monopolization.
Media ownership rules have turned a previously somewhat-informed citizenry into a mob of idiotic "dittoheads". This is what happened to the Germans when Goebbels controlled the state propaganda there. It is bad for Democracy. It is dangerous to our species. It needs to stop.
While they trumpeted a sex scandal up front, they took away the right of people to face their accuser, behind the scenes
Last week, Congress voted to have the United States join the ranks of the nations of the world that have authorized indefinite detention without trial and torture without accountability. For over two hundred years, our Constitution has guaranteed that we would not sacrifice our democratic principles even in times of crisis. In this first challenge to the MCA, we demand that the Administration uphold the Constitution which has, and should continue to be, the pillar of living in a democratic society.
Support the Center for Constitutional Rights
Send them Money:
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Resist Fascism Here at Home October 5th, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
WAR IS OVER (if you want it).
A government run by militarist corporatists worked to silence him.
There's a new movie ("The US vs. John Lennon") about it opening this month (September, 2006).
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Military Leaders push for Weapons-Testing on American Civilians
Official touts nonlethal weapons for use
9/12/2006, 5:46 p.m. ET By LOLITA C. BALDOR The Associated Press |
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday.
Domestic use would make it easier to avoid questions in the international community over any possible safety concerns, said Secretary Michael Wynne.
"If we're not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation," said Wynne. "(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I would be vilified in the world press."
...The Air Force has funded research into nonlethal weapons, but he said the service isn't likely to spend more money on development until injury issues are reviewed by medical experts and resolved.
Nonlethal weapons generally can weaken people if they are hit with the beam. Some of the weapons can emit short, intense energy pulses that also can be effective in disabling some electronic devices.
Friday, September 08, 2006
The Five Characteristics of Fascism:
1. Nationalist aggression.
2. Fusing of the state with corporate interests.
3. Single party rule.
4. Suppression of civil liberties.
5. Pervasive propaganda.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Hear New Song by Mark Frankenberg: "Don't be a Sucker (for Hatred and Fear)"
We DO have time for a 3-minute, 22-second song, however, so I wrote "Don't Be a Sucker". I encourage you do download it, put it in your I-pod, blast it in front of the Wal-Mart (but don't go in there), and generally tell your fellow Americans, "Don't be a Sucker".
Get "Don't Be a Sucker" (for FREE) HERE.
Regarding 9-11, Where's the Pennsylvania Plane? Why was the hole in the Pentagon so little? Where's the plane that supposedly hit it? What about Building 7? Why did they demolish it on that day? And What's with all the military excercises that were conducted that morning.. and why did they then tell the public that no-one had even thought of using planes as weapons?
And why did George W. Bush sit there in a Classroom, immoble, behaving, reading "My Pet Goat", after being told that the country placed in his charge was under attack?
And why did George W. Bush then allow all of Bin Laden's relatives to flee the country without even being questioned by the authorities?
Why does the 911 Commission Report stink of whitewash as much as the Warren Commission report did, regarding the Kennedy Assassination?
Orwell defined the term "Doublethink" thus:
"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.'
Doublethink is a symptom of an ailing society. It is the duty of the Press, in a Democratic Republic such as our Constitution defines, to combat such things. Any company that contributes to the destruction of critical, logical thought should have their charter revoked to make room on the airwaves for information sources of integrity.
ABC/Disney, who have become another arm of the corporatist propaganda machine, like Fox News, is about to release a Goebbels wet-dream that has sold-out anti-American fascist shills like Rush Limbaugh bubbling with enthusiasm.
There is ample evidence that 9-11 and the wars in Afganistan and Iraq are tools of a modern-day fascist regime that has seized power in the United States.
There is a big player that has the ability to oppose this fascist power (that misleadingly uses the name "Republican" for their title, just as the Nazi Party used "National Socialist" for theirs). This big player has problems of its own and it needs your guidance, but they are doing something good regarding this latest stunt by the corporatists:
Join them in showing ABC/Disney that you don't approve of this assault on the truth. Send this letter:
Thru this website:
Mr. Iger,
"The Path to 9/11" mocks the truth and dishonors the memory of 9/11 victims to serve a cheap, callous political agenda. It irresponsibly misrepresents the facts and completely distorts the truth.
This film is a conservative attempt to rewrite the history of September 11 to blame Democrats, just in time for the election. You should honor the trust the public has given you with our public airwaves by keeping this propaganda off the air.
Let them know that you refuse to be a Sucker for Hatred and Fear.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Doublethink, DoubleSpeak, and Fascism
You know you're on to something when they start hammering the word.
Americans Died as "Conservatives" looked on:
What Really Happened on 9-11?
Victims' Relatives to Challenge Credibility of 9/11 Report
Don't Think you're in Denial? Look at This:
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Rex-84: Concentration Camps wrapped in American Flag
We are dangerously close to a situation where ~ if the American people took to the streets in righteous indignation or if there were another 9/11 ~ a mechanism for martial law could be quickly implemented and carried out under REX 84.
the Mob at the Gates that they truly fear is not terrorists but, instead, the people demanding the truth.
"There ought to be limits to freedom."
-- George W. Bush, May 21, 1999
False Flag Attack?
The pentagon plane : Where is it?
How was it possible to prep building 7 for demolition in one day (9/11/01) ?
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.
Presbyterian Church publishes 9/11 conspiracy theory
Largest US Church Accuses President Bush of Being Behind 9/11 Attacks as US Military Leaders Seek Protection from War Crimes
BTW: RUBY worked with the CIA (read "Ultimate Sacrifice" by Thom Hartmann).
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Orthodox Cruelty is Moral Cowardice
-- Mark Frankenberg
Letting somebody talk you into it, or buying into it without thinking is just as bad.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
On the term "Islamo-Fascist"
This is the pot calling the kettle black.
Those who accuse their enemies of "hating freedom" shouldn't arrest people for wearing t-shirts.
I would venture that the majority of the people who are today taking up arms against us are doing so in self-defense, against a radical, corporatist (fascist) corrupt American colonial regime.
They are not resisting the United States Constitution and Bill of rights. They are not resisting the average American on the street (although the apathy in America has caused them much misery): they are fighting a power-structure that has been bought and paid for by unaccountable corporations. Those corporations are a rogue power and do not represent the American people.
Use of the term "Islamo-Fascism" is in keeping with the Bush-Rove strategy of accusing their selected enemies of precisely that of which they themselves are guilty.
I would suggest that Any American who truly believes in the Constitution, leave the "Republican" Party. This goes for you, Ron Paul, and you, John McCain. How can you have any credibility while associating yourselves with a party that has turned decidedly fascist?
And, uh, Buh-bye, Joe.
When the people are about to throw your corrupt party and its sympathizers out, SCARE 'em.
None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane ticket. Many did not even have passports
Nothing from that surveillance had indicated the need for early arrests
in desperate domestic political trouble, [Bush and Blair] longed for "Another 9/11".
the timing is deeply political
REGISTER to VOTE. Get an Absentee Ballot (Anybody can get one in Florida)
There IS a useable Electric Car
In a time when just about everything we hear is bad, this film offers a ray of hope: the idea that there IS a way out of this mess.
I bet that, If GM doesn't begin mass-production of their already-designed-and-tested EV1, China will begin selling knockoffs of it and thus get to market first.
Go see this film! It is a ray of hope!
There IS a useable Electric Car!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Remove the Motive for Terrorism
Some thoughts on the bad Karma we've allowed to fester through our collective inaction:
"Some People Push Back": On the Justice of Roosting Chickens (by Ward Churchill)
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Spoiler Joe's True Colors
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
We Need Net Neutrality
The United Negro College Fund told us that "A mind is a terrible thing to waste". I venture here that the Internet is an evolutionary development in the mind of human civilization. With the "level playing field" offered by the Internet over its first decade, innovation abounded and many great ideas were well-rewarded.
There were those who hoped that radio and television would enhance our knowledge. What happened to it?
There must be laws in place that ensure the free, un-hindered flow of information over the Internet. The stakes are too high for us to let what's happened to our radio-waves, happen to OUR Internet (we paid for the R+D to develop it).
Video about Net Neutrality:
Congressman Ron Weyden's bill:
An organization to work with:
This should be an election issue. The Incumbents in their so-called "Republican" party (it's NOT) need to be challenged in their war against knowledge.
They Want to Take your Vitamins Away.
Gary Null:
International Advocates for Health Freedom:
Friday, August 04, 2006
the Continued Attack on Justice
draft bill detailing procedures the administration is considering for bringing to trial those it captures
government would create commissions of U.S. military personnel who could impose a penalty of life imprisonment or death based on evidence never disclosed
Formation of Military Commissions
appointed by the Secretary of Defense or his designees
Hearsay information is admissible
can also order "exclusion of the defendant" and his civilian counsel
Call your Legislators
Write your Newspaper
Call your radio stations
Register to Vote
Get an absentee Ballot
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
It's about Class, Stupid!
(article, "Who is the Man" by Mark Frankenberg)
The greatest success of the modern right has been transforming conservatism into a populist phenomenon, drawing heavily from the lower middle class, the working class, and, perhaps above all, the once-Democratic South.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Nurnberg Charter Principle Vl:
The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under; international law:
1. Crimes against peace:
1. Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
2. Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).
2. War crimes:
Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave-labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or illtreatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.
3. Crimes against humanity:
Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Joe, Valerie, Good On You.
Friday, July 07, 2006
See This Movie
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Iran Noah's Ark War Scam
Go Figure.
Next you're going to hear that the Iranians are holding the Ark Hostage, or have destroyed it.
Don't buy it.
Haven't they made suckers of us all enough already?
I am writing this Saturday, 1 July, 2006, 10:40pm eastern standard time.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
"FEMA fraud debated"
the Government Accountability Office looked at only 0.01% of the 2.5 million applications for aid.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Rove Plame Leak: In Your Face
Rove leaked classified information that may have harmed national security; the White House said he hadn't and that leakers would be fired; Rove remains at the president's side today.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Who Is "The Man"?
Or Is he?
Do you make Five Hundred Thousand dollars per year or less?
If you make Five Hundred Thousand dollars per year or less, then you're NOT "The Man". You're down here with the rest of us, no matter what airs you try to put on. The Man is looking down on you too, with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Being neither loyal to (nor considerate of) any particular land or people, he is secure in the knowledge that, in the words of Agent Smith of "The Matrix", you are destined to go about living your lives, "oblivious".
The Man wants to exploit your home and destroy your Government. He wants to "stick and move" without the inconvenience of rules, regulations or referees. He owns the television and radio stations that tell you that government is a bad idea; that slickly sell you the idea that war is good, that plant the seeds of helplessness: of "there's nothing I can do". If you don't give it any thought, his persistence might even convince you of it.
If he has his way, your Fruited Plain can and will go the way of Argentina. Or Mexico.
Or Haiti.
If he has his way, we'll continue to waste our scarce resources on colonial adventures overseas in places like Vietnam and Iraq, which we will continue to pay for through inflation, interest, bankrupt cities, oppressive fear, lower education rates, and all other signs of a weakened society, including continued loss of personal liberty amid rising rates of violent crime and a hungry, destabilized planet.
If he has his way, we working people will be further divided by things such as race, religion, national origin, sexual preference, style of automobile, favorite rock band, shoe-size.. whatever differentiator he can dream up to keep us from working together to throw off his oppression.
If he has his way, we will continue to give him our tax money so that he can build systems with which to threaten and/or control us, just like the people he controls in his other colonies.
This is why "government of, for and by the people" is not just a cool phrase by a guy with a beard and a tall hat. It is the principle of US, protecting ourselves from The Man.
The only way our democratic-republican government can function effectively is if we as citizens consider in good conscience what's going on in our world, and consider the sources and motivations of the messages we are getting. If we have no problem getting Rush Limbaugh on the radio in our cars or at work, then we should also have no problem getting Amy Goodman on the radio in our cars or at work. Then we as individual citizens can decide what we think is best.
Since the situation is not that, today, I challenge you to consider, when you hear or see the polished, commercial messages that bombard you day in and day out, what is The Man trying to sell you? Is he suckering you in?
It's when The Man makes it so you only hear his side of things, by owning all the media outlets, that many will start to think that things like Republic and Democracy aren't really important anymore, and that it's okay for The Man to run things for us (privatization).
By this point, you could rightly gather that I don't have anything nice to say about "The Man".
You shouldn't, either.
---- Mark Frankenberg
P.S. There's a crucial, national election this November. Call your Supervisor of Elections! Order your Absentee Ballot! Don't trust those electronic vote-stealing machines! Do your job as a citizen to help guide your republic…
while you still can!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Fight Ignorance
Thursday, May 25, 2006
WarMongers falsely accuse Iran of persecuting religious minorities
"Iran Target of Apparent Disinformation Ploy"
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Good Bumper Sticker Quote:
Sunday, April 09, 2006
"Bush secretly authorised the leaking of classified documents"
"Bush secretly authorised the leaking of classified documents"
"Maureen Dowd: Bush Should 'Fire Himself' For Libby/Miller Leak"
In order for the people of the world, and particularly the citizens of the United States of America, to have justice through effective investigations and probably some impeachments, a majority of the opposition party (the Democratic Party) MUST be elected this coming November, by a landslide (to offset further cheating through the use of those electronic vote-stealing machines), with exit polls conducted by citizen's groups. I know, we are all very dissapointed with the cowardly, corrupt actions of some who call themselves members of the Democratic Party. I also know, that in a majority situation, the Democratic party will be better able to reform itself, now that we are all awake and watching.
Tell your neighbors and co-workers about this latest development in the Bush-Cheney-Libby-Plame scandal, tell them to register to vote, and tell them to vote for members of the Democratic Party in November, in order for our republic to have restored it's necessary system of checks and balances!
-- Mark Frankenberg
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Veterans for Peace
Tampa Bay Veterans for Peace
Veterans for Peace throughout the U.S.:
Samm Simpson for Pinellas District 10 in Florida!

Samm Simpson for Congress in 2006!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Inconvenient Guest
This was until George W. Bush decided to attend.
Some things are sacred.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Trust a Slot Machine before you Trust an Electronic Voting Machine
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Watch for this movie release:
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Hunter S. Thompson exposed "flag-suckers" and accomplices.
In the Summer of 2002 he did this interview. Behold a REAL Journalist.
Monday, March 13, 2006
So You Don't Think you're in Denial, Ey?
Why did the World Trade Center towers fall at the speed of gravity, as if there was nothing intact to slow the descent? It's IN YOUR FACE.
I encourage you to visit and get the free DVD (let me know if you have any problems getting it).
Preserving our self-respect requires that we demand ANSWERS.

Sunday, March 12, 2006
Florida government chastises supervisor of elections for finding flaws in electronic voting machines
Ion Sancho needs our help!! Florida officials are attacking this courageous Supervisor of Elections for trying to protect the integrity of our vote. Please click [HERE] or use the information HERE to send an email to Florida officials protesting their outrageous treatment of this courageous Supervisor of Elections.
In 2005, Supervisor Sancho authorized security tests of the Diebold voting system used in Leon County, Florida. These tests definitively proved election results could be altered without detection using only a memory card. A team of California computer scientists have sinced confirmed the Leon County tests and discovered additional severe security flaws in the Diebold system.
Instead of thanking Sancho for exposing flaws that should have been discovered by state and federal certifiers, state officials are threatening Sancho with legal action, which could include removing him from office. Instead of hailing him as a national hero, state officials have condemned and threatened him. On top of that, the only three companies with Florida certified voting systems (Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia) have blacklisted Sancho and are refusing to sell their voting machines to Sancho, either in retribution for exposing serious security vulnerabilities in the Diebold voting system, or out of fear that he will find similar flaws in their systems. As a result of the Sancho now has no voting system in place.
"Why we Fight" showing in Tampa this week
What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism? This
award-winning film from the maker of "The Trials of Henry Kissinger"
provides an inside look at the anatomy of the American war machine. To
watch a preview:
Theatres other than Tampa (some leads):
Tampa Theater:
Friday, Mar 10: 7:30, 9:45
Saturday, Mar 11: 3:00, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45
Sunday, Mar 12: 3:00, 5:15, 7:30
Mon - Thurs (Mar 13-16): 7:30
The "Embodiment of Conservative Values" was a shoplifter.
From the police report:
The Target Loss Prevention Manger contacted Montgomery County Police and through the police investigation it was learned that Allen had been receiving refunds in an amount exceeding $5,000 during last year. Some of the fraudulent returns were made at Target stores and some at Hecht’s stores. He would buy items, take them out to his car, and return to the store with the receipt. He would select the same items he had just purchased, and then return them for a refund. Allen is known to have conducted approximately 25 of these types of refunds, having the money credited to his credit cards.
[Allen] was the top domestic policy adviser and a former Bush Federal Circuit Court nominee. The Washington Post labeled him the embodiment of “conservative values.”
When the Media is Monopolized and elections are stolen, you get appointees like this. There are two hundred ninety five million people in the United States. 295,734,134. Some of them have honor and integrity and intelligence. This is the best we can do?
Retired Supreme Court Justice warns of Dictatorship
Newly retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor took on conservative Republican critics of the courts in a speech Thursday. She told an audience at Georgetown University that Republican proposals, and their sometimes uncivil tone, pose a danger to the independence of the judiciary, and the freedoms of all Americans.
O’Connor said that attacks on the judiciary by some Republican leaders pose a direct threat to our constitutional freedoms.
The nation’s founders wrote repeatedly, she said, that without an independent judiciary to protect individual rights from the other branches of government those rights and privileges would amount to nothing.
death threats against judges are increasing.
a Georgia judge was murdered in the courtroom and the family of a federal judge in Illinois murdered in the judge’s home.
O’Connor observed that there have been a lot of suggestions lately for so-called judicial reforms, recommendations for the massive impeachment of judges, stripping the courts of jurisdiction and cutting judicial budgets to punish offending judges.
interference with an independent judiciary has allowed dictatorship to flourish
It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, she said, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Mark Frankenberg to speak at Tampa Peace Rally March 19, 2006
Corporatism is Fascism. Just say NO to fascism. We have elections coming up in November. The federal system currently is designed effectively for two parties ONLY. Our Democratic Party (like it or not) MUST regain Congress. If all you do is vote, This will not happen.
If you're in Tampa Bay on the 19th, Hope to see you at the rally. If you're not in Tampa Bay, Find a rally near you HERE.
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, March 19th 2006 11 AM
In order to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the invasion of Iraq -- an action that the Bush administration deemed "mission accomplished" just weeks afterwards -- peace advocates, religious leaders, and activists representing a wide variety of constituencies will gather for an afternoon of picnicking, speeches, singing , poetry and information sharing, with a live phone call broadcast to all from Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Thumbs-Up for the ten "NO" voters:
I'd venture to say that these are about the only REAL DEMOCRATS in the Senate.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Hate Groups
Colonial Wars require Torture
Persecution of Whistleblowers Continues
Diebold Versus California:
[Stephen Heller] has been arraigned on three felonies. His employer was the lawfirm that represented Diebold ... [results of his actions] caused Diebold to be suited for misrepresentation to the state of California about their election equipment. Apparently whistle blower law protects a person from being retaliated against by employers, meaning they can't be fired from their jobs. But they can still be prosecuted for activities that were necessary tools to blow the whistle.
Conscience Speaks
"We lament with special anguish the war in Iraq, launched in deception and violating global norms of justice and human rights," said the statement from representatives of the 34 U.S. members of World Council of Churches. "We mourn all who have died or been injured in this war. We acknowledge with shame abuses carried out in our name."
AOL Corrupts E-mail System
AOL recently announced what amounts to an "email tax." Under this pay-to-send system, large emailers willing to pay an "email tax" can bypass spam filters and get guaranteed access to people's inboxes—with their messages having a preferential high-priority designation.1
Charities, small businesses, civic organizing groups, and even families with mailing lists will inevitably be left with inferior Internet service unless they are willing to pay the "email tax" to AOL. We need to stop AOL immediately so other email hosts know that following AOL's lead would be a mistake.
Can you sign this emergency petition to America Online and forward it to your friends?
Sign here:
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Help Fix the Democratic Party.
Until we amend our constitution to enable instant runoff voting, or something like it, any time you cast your vote for a progressive third party (Green, Libertarian, many other fine centers of responsible thought) you lessen the chances of our regaining power from the corporate-corruptionists who erroneously call themselves "Republicans", and who are frankly endangering our species. If you are active in a third party, urge your party to JOIN FORCES with the DEMOCRATIC PARTY in order to regain the PEOPLE's HOUSE and SENATE in 2006. We can belong to our Parties and also be Democrats. I like the Green party, Personally. The trick is to get REAL Progressive Democrats in Power, then get Instant-Runoff Voting and do something about the Electoral College.
DNC good. DLC Bad
We need to return the Democratic Party to progressive core values. The DLC is selling out the Party and should be marginalized and/or eradicated. The DNC under Howard Dean should be the rallying-point for true Progressives. When the DLC began selling out the Democratic Party, looking to the same big-money backers the Republicans used, MANY hardworking people were so disgusted with it that they became Dittoheads, among other things. The polluted Democratic Party today, nicknamed "Republican Lite" by many, is continually failing us, lately "keeping their powder dry" with regard to the non-filibuster of Alito. Today much of the true Democratic base is mistakenly driving around with "W" stickers on their vehicles, having been hoodwinked into a false fascist revolution engineered by the monopolized, corporatist press. If the Democratic Party returns to its true progressive core values, the true base (all of us who make less than 500k/yr, and everybody else who is able to look themselves in the mirror without wincing) will return. This needs to happen YESTERDAY.
Here's one tool: The Backbone Campaign
Bottom Line: DNC good. DLC Bad.
YOUR Democratic Party, Headed by Howard Dean and the DNC, needs a lot of work. It needs YOU.
-- Mark Frankenberg
Saturday, February 25, 2006
If ya can't beat 'em Join 'em? (or NOT)
If you like how the information is presented there, I recommend the book "We the People" by Thom Hartmann. It's laid out like a comic book but it's serious and it should be taught in schools.
Friday, February 24, 2006
"WHY WE FIGHT" release schedule changes
This film is a must-see for any thinking American, as are "The Power of Nightmares" and "The Corporation".
Have I mentioned today that the problem with the Democratic Party is called the "DLC"? Just wanted to make sure.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Radio Show about Fascism
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
They Want You to Be Afraid.
This is why on the TV News you don't hear about the backroom deals going on in the state capitol, or on K-Street up in Washington, but you daily hear about the local murder. You are taught that you are supposed to fear your neighbor.
This is why it was the Commies, then it was the Drug Pushers, now it's the Terrorists.
They want you to be afraid.
This is something the Neoconservatives in America and the Islamic Fundamentalists in the Middle East Have in Common.
“The Power of Nightmares” is a 3-hour BBC documentary explaining the use of fear by governments to oppress their populations. You won't find it at Blockbuster and it was pulled from Amazon.
Here are the three video episode downloads (Each 1 hour in Windows Media format. The introduction has been removed from the 2nd and 3rd episodes, as it was the same in all three episodes):
Episode 1 (74 meg)
Episode 2 (73 meg)
Episode 3 (73 meg)
The Guardian calls “The Power of Nightmares” "The film US TV networks dare not show ", in their article HERE.
The Nation says, "The Power of Nightmares, a three-hour BBC documentary directed by Adam Curtis, is arguably the most important film about the "war on terrorism" since the events of September 11. It is more intellectually engaging, more historically probing and more provocative than any of its rivals, including Fahrenheit 9/11."
Monday, February 13, 2006
Entrepreneurial idea: Dick Cheney Watches
After the solicitor general released a brief asserting that sitting vice presidents could be indicted, Agnew launched an attack on the administration and vowed not to resign.
Gun Smoke
Scooter Libby just testified at the end of last week that his boss (Dick Cheney) okayed outing Valerie Plame. This is damning and will probably get Cheney indicted (yes, INDICTED, as many say he is the President of the Senate, thus a legislator, and thus is indictable).
He knows he's in hot water. He shot a hunting partner over the weekend.
Strangely (not really), the shooting, and not the damning Libby testimony is at the top of the headlines at this writing.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Inside-Out, Upside-Down, Bass-Ackwards
Labeling the states "Red" and "Blue" is backwards today. In the "Matrix" movie series, the "Red Pill" signifies opening one's eyes to the truth, no matter how ugly that truth might turn out to be. Artists, Intellectuals and anyone else in the world who has chosen to look beyond the foolishness of American Television and other mainstream media can easily find deep truths that are daily ignored in the popular mindset by design of those who own the media. Those truths are unsettling. The "Blue Pill" in the "Matrix" movies denotes blissful ignorance. That's the one to take to enable yourself to continue to live atop a mountain of skulls, hurtling at 90 miles an hour straight for a brick wall, a lemming with all the awareness of an inebriated drunk who doesn't know he is freezing to death.
I would venture to say now that more and more Americans are beginning to take the "Red Pill". I certainly hope so. What a tragedy it would be to meet our end due to the inflicted stupidity known as "blissful ignorance".
More on the Red Pill and the Blue Pill HERE.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Join Citizens in opposing Executive Power Grab
Here is the bottom line: the president is breaking the law. He already has
the authority to wiretap suspected terrorists--and we support that--but he
chose to reach beyond that. We need to know why he refuses to get warrants
and he needs to be held accountable.
Respecting the rule of law isn't a partisan issue, it's a core American
principle. That's why prominent conservatives like David Keene, Paul
Weyrich and Grover Norquist are outraged by the president's illegal
program.4 Even leading Republicans like Chuck Hagel, Lindsey Graham, and
Sam Brownback have seriously questioned the president's authority.5 With
public criticism mounting, the Bush administration knows they're in big
If the president can get away with breaking the law now, there's no limit
to what he or any other president can do. Together we can stop it now.
Open Your Eyes

Would you say that this an indicator of incipient theocracy (read the First Amendment), or is it an indicator of our disintegration into corporate feudalism?
One way to Treat our Addiction to Oil
"If the exemption of SUVs from fleet mileage standards were ended and fleet gas mileage in the U.S. were to increase by a tiny 3 miles per gallon, we'd no longer need to import any oil from the Middle East!"
You know, since the 1970's we've all known that the world is going to run out of fuel. Why, then, do people drive these huge gas-guzzlers around? I believe it is due to the exotic combination of personal irresponsibility and a mindless, corrupt public policy, but that's just me, of course.
*Swore an oath to defend the Constitution and he's NOT DOING IT. Read the Bill of Rights and see what YOU think.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Some of the Evidence is Missing
we advise you that we have learned that not all e-mail of the Office of Vice President and the Executive Office of the President for certain time periods in 2003 was preserved through the normal archiving process on the White House computer system.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Tomorrow The World
The speaking event began with Corporate Media glibly announcing that Cindy Sheehan had been arrested.
By "Terrorist", one might suspect that the Executive was referring to any artists, intellectuals, dissenters or other Free-thinking human-beings who don't like the smell of what's been going on in the world since 2000.
He also said that decisions regarding our actions in Iraq and elsewhere would be made by commanders, and not politicians.
Congress Has NOT Declared War.
He also subtly hinted at numerous points on his intention to invade Iran, citing Weapons of Mass Destruction.
He made no reference to asking Congress to Declare War on Iran.
Toward the end of his speech, the Executive mentioned "Public Trust" and "Ethical Standards" and a "pledge" to uphold such things.
Maybe this was a reference to the OATH OF OFFICE he and all his accomplices SWORE, to Defend the Constitution of the United States.
All over America, district attorneys and prosecutors should be preparing their cases against this Executive and his entire administration, and numerous accomplices in the Judiciary and Legislature, for Abuses of Power, Betrayal of the public Trust, and Undermining the Constitution of the United States of America.
He mentioned "victories to come".
Let that victory be the victory of the RULE OF LAW over incipient Tyranny.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Thanks for Nothing, guys...
The 19 Democrats who voted against the filibuster were: Daniel Akaka (Hawaii), Max Baucus (Mont), Jeff Bingaman (N.M.), Robert Byrd (W. Va.), Maria Cantwell (Wash.), Thomas Carper (Del.), Kent Conrad (N.D.), Byron Dorgan (N.D.), Daniel Inouye (Hawaii), Tim Johnson (S.D.), Herb Kohl (Wis.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Joseph Lieberman (Conn.), Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), Bill Nelson (Fla.), Ben Nelson (Neb.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), John D. Rockefeller (W. Va.) and Ken Salazar (Colo.).
Friday, January 27, 2006
Support Kerry in Alito Filibuster
Call 'em again! Call Sen. John Kerry and congratulate him too!
Reach as many Senators as you wish with one phone call: If you call the main number (888-355-3588) you can someone's office, tell em what you want to say, and from there ask for who you want next and they will pass you on with a couple of key strokes.
Hands Off My Internet
You think the Internet will always be the great freewheeling information superhighway you've grown to love? Well, think again. Media giants want to privatize our Internet.
Telecommunications companies like AT&T and Verizon are lobbying Congress for the right to control where you go on the Internet, how fast you get there, and how much you pay for the service.
To see what some brazen telecom execs had to say, and to send them a message about how you feel about the Internet, go to:
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Just Do It
Joe Lieberman CT
Robert C. Byrd WV
Ben Nelson NE
Mary Landrieu LA
Daniel Inouye HI
Mark Pryor AR
Ken Salazar CO
The national toll free numbers are 888-355-3588, 888-818-6641 and 800-426-8073, just ask for any senator by name.
Say something like this:
"Please oppose the Alito Nomination. We don't need a unitary executive. It threatens the checks and balances necessary for the survival of our republic. Please stand in solidarity with your party. If necessary, please support a filibuster."
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Alito's support for "Unitary Executive" is support for Dictatorship
The unitary executive theory contends that the president, as chief executive, has sweeping powers to interpret or even ignore laws he disagrees with, particularly in wartime, and it severely limits Congress and even independent regulatory agencies.
Not since Richard Nixon, who also used secrecy and wiretaps, have we seen such a raw grab for power.
January 24, 2006
The case against Alito
If the Senate accepts President Bush's nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court, our nation will undergo profound legal changes, resulting in its transformation from a democratic republic to a corporatist dictatorship. And, once again, our craven media, which now openly practice a form of "don't ask don't' tell" journalism, have failed to inform us about facts and history that, if widely known, would incite angry opposition.
The media have been silent on the particular pedigree of the unitary executive theory, a judicial concept that informs Alito's outlook (as well as the new Chief Justice Roberts') as it relates to expanding presidential power. While the term has been mentioned in the media, any coverage of the origin of the concept itself has been AWOL, giving the false impression that the philosophy originated out of some innocent, paternal desire on President Bush's part to protect us. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The fact is that the unitary executive theory was developed by Carl Schmitt, the Third Reich's legal expert, to advance the appearance of a lawful dictatorial takeover of Germany. Arguing that an exceptional situation, like the Reichtag fire (or 9/11 in our case), gave the executive the right to decide law for himself, Schmitt's philosophy ushered in a reign of vicious authoritarianism. Recently, Schmitt's legal theories have been applied ferociously in signing statements and executive orders by Bush's legal team to liberate them from quaint restrictions like international treaties and domestic law.
If Alito gets on the court, he'll uphold the law -- any law that Bush writes. Senators must realize that to protect our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, separation of powers, our system of checks and balances, and even Congress itself from the neocon's treasonous attack, they must reject Alito.
-- Nicole Johnson, Oak Park
U.S. Capitol Switchboard: Toll Free 888-355-3588
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Add Your Name to Sen. Kerry's "NO ALITO" letter
Tell them you want a filibuster if necessary. Alito represents the Corporate Aristocracy. He doesn't represent true justice or true Republic, and by extension, he doesn't represent US.
Then Call your Senators (again).
U.S. Capitol Switchboard: Toll Free 888-355-3588
A Movie they Don't Want you to See

Demand that your local theatres show this movie.
Here's a list of screenings as of 24jan06 (there surely will be others organized by other groups):
Friday, January 20, 2006
Repug Jugend
"Rightwing Group Offers Students $100 to Spy on Professors"
Thursday, January 19, 2006
What's Wrong with this Picture?

We're going broke, you know. I know they don't like to tell you this..
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Bush to criminalize protesters under Patriot Act as "disruptors"
Bush wants to create the new criminal of "disruptor" who can be jailed for the crime of "disruptive behavior." A "little-noticed provision" in the latest version of the Patriot Act will empower Secret Service to charge protesters with a new crime of "disrupting major events including political conventions and the Olympics." Secret Service would also be empowered to charge persons with "breaching security" and to charge for "entering a restricted area" which is "where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting." In short, be sure to stay in those wired, fenced containments or free speech zones.
How the Mainstream Press starts Wars
"...Saturday January 14, 2006. In his speech Saturday, Ahmadinejad defended Iran's right to continue nuclear research. ... State Media complained to CNN that they had used the translation 'nuclear weapons' instead of 'nuclear technology'."
War with Iran is a bad idea. Listen to Scott Ritter explain why, HERE. We have plenty of nuclear missiles to destroy the planet with. Remember the Cold War? We don't need to add another conventional war to our list of tragic crimes.
To the sold-out apple-polishers who are rattling sabers from behind their desks regarding this contemplated new crime against humanity: Shame on you.
SHAME on you.
Monday, January 16, 2006
AL Gore Takes the Flag 16 Jan 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
How You can Save the Republic
The problem with fascism (the merger of corporations with government) is that it depends on dictatorship in order to function. This requires the de-humanization and subjugation of human beings. It requires the imprisonment of the Soul. Human beings are too intelligent to be denigrated into compliant drones permanently. Humans are designed to think and act creatively and in concert. Even the "lower" animals act cooperatively when it comes to determining the direction of the herd, school or flock. It is the natural order of life for societies to collectively decide on matters of mutual concern. For all decision making power to be concentrated into one tiny group, enforced through pyramidal management structures, in a society, is stupid. Unfortunately, human nature enables such situations to develop over and over again; and this explains why it took so long for the human species to reach the information-age.
The idea of dictatorship set aside; there are those who say that democracy (rule by the governed), on the other hand, is doomed to self-destruction. The mindless acts of mobs are the basis for this claim. These matters were considered at length during the design-phase of our Republic, and this is why we (are supposed to) have a Republic instead of a direct democracy. Having sober, thoughtful individuals (a Senate) between the voices of the mob (a House) and the performers of decided action (an Executive), all under the careful scrutiny of wise and scrupulous magistrates (a Judiciary), a society can function well.
This is why it is crucial for these republican elements to be doing what they are supposed to be doing per the original design laid out in the Constitution. That they are NOT doing what they are supposed to be doing today, as the result of corruption and a monopolized Press, explains our current precarious situation; and the fact that millions of us don't even KNOW that we are in a precarious situation.
At this writing (Jan06), most of our cities are intact (although many are rotting and New Orleans suffered extensive damage a few months ago). At this writing, it is reasonably safe for an American to travel from one end of his country to the other. At this writing, most of the people in America have Water and electricity. At this writing, many Americans live in relative peace.
These conditions will not prevail if the current trend continues.
As we go about our daily lives, clever businessmen are wiring up our planet for a tragic war in Iran and elsewhere, and are continuing to contribute to the destruction of numerous societies all over the world, including our own. As we try to make a living, clever businessmen have enabled mills to resume dumping toxic poisons into our own water and air. As we try to live the best we can, clever businessmen are turning our once-enviable country into a debtor/colony of China.
These things are happening because we now have a republic in NAME ONLY. It does not represent us, but instead it represents concentrated sums of dumb capital; and as a result it makes and executes decisions based on the same lack of wisdom to be found in a bucket of gold. This lack of thought, to be found in any random sequence of numbers at the bottom of a balance sheet, is referred to as the "wisdom of the free market" by con men and their marks all over the globe.
If you want to see America rise to the greatness of a modern Roman Republic (an aspiration hinted at by much of the adornment and architecture in our nation's capital), then you must become an active CITIZEN of this republic instead of a passive drone in the herd of compliant consumers who have learned by their con-men/teachers that they are helpless to take control in their lives. If you want to be a member of a once-again great society where it is possible to go from little to plenty in a lifetime, then you must participate in fielding and successfully electing good people to positions where they can work for YOU, in the Capitol. If you want to see America truly attain the respect of the world as a beacon of freedom and justice for all, then it's time for you to find in the mirror an American Hero: a Citizen.
The alternative is really not an option, is it?
-- Mark Frankenberg
Friday, January 13, 2006
Scott Ritter on Iraq, Iran and Nuclear Insanity (My title)
Alito is bad for Civil Rights
Alito is bad for Privacy
Alito is bad for Freedom
Tell your Senators:
Find your Senator
U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121.
Senate Toll-Free Number: [IF FUNCTIONAL] (877) SOB-USOB [yes, this is right] or 888-818-6641 or 888-355-3588.
Corporatism = Fascism = K Street Project
The Silent Coup
Republicans have spent the last five years attempting to hi-jack democracy and move the seat of governance from Pennsylvania Avenue to K Street.
mainstream media are major combatants
K Street Project ... an attempt to purge industry’s lobbyists of any and all Democrats, and to make sure that "...even the secretaries..." are "conservative Republican activists."
K street Corporate shills write legislation, develop tax proposals, and formulate foreign policy
a variety of devil’s deals that would’ve made our forefathers weep has become routine business
the marbled halls of Congress are fast becoming a Mausoleum in which are buried the civics lessons from a simpler time
Grover Norquist, an unelected ideologue and professional government-hater and one of the chief architects of the K Street Project, wields more power in Washington than all but a very few elected officials.
Norquist is famous for saying , "Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub."
in 2004, Mr. Bush’s tax reforms gave the average millionaire a $123,595 cut, but cut the middle 20% of income earners by just $647.
The K Street Consortium also explains why all of that $647 and more got eaten up by increased medical, energy, and educational costs.
oil industry gets billions, and Americans get guaranteed high prices.
If the K Street Consortium implements their policy agenda, in ten years, every child born in the US will "inherit" $36,000 of additional debt.
So much for Republican fiscal conservatism.
K Street Consortium not only hurts the average American, it hurts American industry
Republicans tax less but spend much more and the borrowed largesse goes to corporations and the likes of Ken Lay and Paris Hilton, while the debt gets passed on to future generations.
next time you visit Washington to see the seat of our government, forget Pennsylvania Avenue. Stop by K Street.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Common Cause: to Clean up Congress
The Common Cause plan
1) Reform the Ethics Process
Create an independent ethics commission to investigate ethics allegations in Congress. For decades, the ethics process in Congress has been stymied - its Members don't impartially judge their colleagues.
2) Impose an Effective Gift and Travel Ban
Ban registered lobbyists from giving gifts to members of Congress and their staffs. Also, ban all privately-financed Congressional travel. Some official travel is important, and it should be paid for with public funds.
3) Slow the Revolving Door
Extend the moratorium on taking jobs as lobbyists for Members of Congress and senior staff from one year to two years after leaving office.
4) End the Campaign Money Chase
The Abramoff scandal can be the catalyst to reform Congressional campaigns by enacting a publicly-funded clean elections system, and to revamp and strengthen the public financing system for presidential campaigns.
5) Shine a Light on Lobbying Activities
The multi-billion-dollar lobbying industry operates almost entirely in secret. This has to change. The American public has a right to know who is lobbying their elected officials. Lobbying contacts should be reported online, so that the public can assess the impact of lobbying on public policy decisions.
Please make a generous contribution now to let Common Cause take the lead in making these changes at this critical time.
Russ Feingold: "..we have to have the courage to stand up and do our jobs.."
Bush/NSA wiretaps of U.S. citizens contravenes the founders' principle of separation of powers
Blame the Whistleblower?
Two men who leaked a document suggesting U.S. President George W. Bush considered bombing Al-Jazeera television have to stand trial.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Mark Frankenberg live broadcast 13 Jan 06 Friday
Hear some common-sense ideas on how to empower our citizenry and defend our Constitution.
Before it's too late.
Friday 3pm Pacific time.
Talk to you then.
Stop Alito
If confirmed, Alito would serve as Bush's enabler. He would give Bush effective control of all three branches of government and the hard-right long-term dominance of the high court.
Soon, some prisoners at Guantanamo will have been behind bars longer than any German POW during all of World War II.
Last week, signing a bill banning torture in interrogations that was forced on him by senior Republican senators, Bush asserted a concept never imagined by the Constitution's framers or permitted by any court -- a ''signing statement" claiming his right to interpret a law in his own fashion and to disregard aspects of it that he doesn't like.
Alito's views of the imperial presidency are almost perfectly in sync with Bush's.
Alito has tended to support prosecutors and corporations over individual citizens and employees, in cases involving civil liberties, civil rights, workplace rights, and reproductive freedom. In 1985, he wrote that he thought the Constitution ''does not protect the right to an abortion," flatly contradicting Roe v. Wade.
Alito [like Scalia in the 2000 Florida recount] conveniently forgot his pledge to recuse himself from cases in which he had a personal ... interest.
[The desperately needed Democratic filibuster] might lead Republicans to use the so-called 'nuclear option,' abolishing filibusters on judicial nominations.
Yet, in their weakened condition, it's not clear that Republicans could muster the votes to go nuclear. Moderate Senate Republicans may just welcome a chance to distance themselves from Bush's extremism -- if Democrats lead. Alito epitomizes everything dangerous about George W. Bush.
Time to make that call again. Call both your senators regardless of what "party" they belong to (lookup at Common Cause site HERE) and demand that they take action to stop this dictatorial power-grab. Help us save our republic.
Then, Stand and be Counted with Howard Dean and the Democratic Party in voicing your disapproval of Alito's nomination HERE.
Email your friends with this message and encourage them to do the same.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Word for Today: Despotism
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Corporatism drives Societal Breakdown
Blog Archive
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- The FCC is listening (a little). Tell them to sto...
- While they trumpeted a sex scandal up front, they ...
- Resist Fascism Here at Home October 5th, 2006
- WAR IS OVER (if you want it).
- Military Leaders push for Weapons-Testing on Ameri...
- The Five Characteristics of Fascism:
- Hear New Song by Mark Frankenberg: "Don't be a Su...
- Doublethink, DoubleSpeak, and Fascism
- Americans Died as "Conservatives" looked on:
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- Rex-84: Concentration Camps wrapped in American Flag
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- Florida government chastises supervisor of electio...
- "Why we Fight" showing in Tampa this week
- The "Embodiment of Conservative Values" was a shop...
- Retired Supreme Court Justice warns of Dictatorship
- Mark Frankenberg to speak at Tampa Peace Rally Mar...
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- "WHY WE FIGHT" release schedule changes
- Radio Show about Fascism
- They Want You to Be Afraid.
- Entrepreneurial idea: Dick Cheney Watches
- Gun Smoke
- Inside-Out, Upside-Down, Bass-Ackwards
- Join Citizens in opposing Executive Power Grab
- Time out for a brief, (subtle,eloquent?), inspirin...
- Open Your Eyes
- Just thinking..
- One way to Treat our Addiction to Oil
- Some of the Evidence is Missing
- Rays of Hope
- Tomorrow The World
- Thanks for Nothing, guys...
- Support Kerry in Alito Filibuster
- Hands Off My Internet
- Just Do It
- Alito's support for "Unitary Executive" is support...
- Add Your Name to Sen. Kerry's "NO ALITO" letter
- A Movie they Don't Want you to See
- Repug Jugend
- What's Wrong with this Picture?
- What is the message here?
- Bush to criminalize protesters under Patriot Act a...
- What a Constitutional Crisis looks like?
- How the Mainstream Press starts Wars
- AL Gore Takes the Flag 16 Jan 2006
- How You can Save the Republic
- Scott Ritter on Iraq, Iran and Nuclear Insanity (M...
- Corporatism = Fascism = K Street Project
- Common Cause: to Clean up Congress
- Russ Feingold: "..we have to have the courage to s...
- Bush/NSA wiretaps of U.S. citizens contravenes the...
- Blame the Whistleblower?
- NewSpeak
- Mark Frankenberg live broadcast 13 Jan 06 Friday
- Stop Alito
- Word for Today: Despotism
- Corporatism drives Societal Breakdown